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The Project

The Goal

The Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Regional Wastewater Project originated from recognition of the need to eliminate septic tanks and illegal cesspits that exist within the District’s boundaries in order to restore the health and economic vitality of its nearshore waters. It was determined that in most areas, a vacuum collection systems would be the most cost effective method for wastewater collection. In some remote areas, however, a gravity collection system that pumps directly into the US1 force main is the most economical alternative.

The large number of service basins which would each require a separate wastewater treatment facility, disposal wells, land acquisition, and licensed operator makes a centralized wastewater treatment and disposal facility the most practical and affordable alternative. This conclusion is similar to that reached in the Monroe Count Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan.

Service Areas

The Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District (KLWTD) service area is defined as the north end of the Florida Keys at the Dade County line (approximately: US1 mile marker 124) extending south and westward to Tavernier Creek (approximately: US1 mile marker 91) and includes the properties to the east of US 1 along County Road 905 up to but not including the community of Ocean Reef. The remote, sparsely populated areas north and east of mile marker 106.5 will be served by a decentralized sewer system.

The remaining area from mile marker 106.5 south to mile marker 91 are to be served by central wastewater treatment plant located at mile marker 100.5. This area is the overall service area addressed in this facility’s plan.

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305 451 4019
Only put toilet paper and human waste in the toilet.
Call KLWTD First, For BACK UP or SEWER EMERGENCY, call 305-451-4019 option 1 for 24-hour service before you call a Plumber.